
Quality Control Monitoring

In large-scale infrastructure projects, traditional concrete and screed quality control methods can pose significant challenges. Firstly, manual testing methods are often labor-intensive and time-consuming, resulting in increased project costs and resource inefficiencies. Secondly, variations in concrete and screed properties can occur due to factors like weather conditions and material inconsistencies, potentially compromising the structural integrity and safety of the project. Lastly, the lack of real-time data hinders quick decision-making and may lead to delays in the construction process.

Crack!!! Is it serious?

Limited visibility

Construction teams often struggle with early cracking detection in concrete due to limited visibility. Cracks may develop internally and remain unnoticed until they surface, leading to potential structural issues. Traditional visual inspections are inadequate identifying early signs of cracks, resulting in delays and costly repairs.

Unforeseen costly repairs

Late detection of cracks can multiply the problem, making repairs more complex and expensive, impacting project timelines, and causing potential safety concerns. A lack of an effective monitoring system increases the risk of unforeseen structural failures and poses liabilities for property owners. It is of great value to have a timely crack detection to address potential hazards promptly.

Who likes to prepare pages of QA/QC reports?

Time-consuming manual processes

One of the major challenges construction engineers face is dealing with time-consuming and labor-intensive manual processes while creating QA/QC reports. They have to gather data from multiple sources, perform calculations, and format the reports, which can be quite frustrating and error-prone.

Inaccurate data interpretation

Moreover, relying solely on manual data entry for generating these reports can result in inaccuracies and misinterpretations. Human errors in data input or calculations can compromise the overall accuracy and reliability of the reports. It's crucial for construction professionals to have a more robust and agile system that can provide precise data analysis and generate reports automatically with just a few clicks.

Difficulty in identifying patterns

Another issue construction engineers encounter is the difficulty in identifying patterns from large data sets. Construction teams often struggle to spot recurring issues or deviations that may indicate potential quality problems in materials. Streamlining such a large amount of data, unifying reports, identifying trends and potential quality concerns is not possible without utilizing advanced digital monitoring tools.

Early Cracking Prevention

Inadequate monitoring methods

Construction teams tend to rely on outdated or inadequate techniques in measuring temperature and moisture levels in concrete, such as data loggers. Reason for that is simple: we have been using them for a long time and got used to them a lot. These methods however do not provide real-time data or precise analysis, leading to difficulties in assessing potential risks or making informed decisions.

Negative effects on material performance and durability

There is a significant risk of thermal cracks if temperatures suddenly increase or drop. And if not monitored properly, risks concerning the quality of concrete such as thermal and shrinkage cracks, concrete spalling, and many others can arise.

Basic idea is that: as concrete gets hotter, it expands. As it gets cooler, it contracts. Therefore, if the concrete wants to expand or contract but cannot, it will most likely crack, which will:

  • Expose the rebars to the outer surfaces leading to an erosion.
  • Begin to dehydrate the cement paste (losing the chemically combined water of hydration), which will gradually weaken the concrete bond and affect its compressive strength.

As for the moisture, inaccurate evaluation of dryness levels in the concrete can have harmful effects on the material performance when applying flooring, leading to decreased durability and compromised structural integrity.Therefore, clients need a robust monitoring system that alerts them against any unfavourable conditions promptly.

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Find out how our customers have dealt with these challenges

Flooring Installation in Supermarket (confidential)

Flooring Installations is a crucial step in the building process and especially for the supermarkets.

Temperature Recording as part of QA/QC report (Aarsleff)

Nordic countries like sweden, finnland and danmark require temperature and moisture recording for specific contrusction projects

Parkhaus (DIP)

Multi-storey car park are vulnerable building to moisture and humidity. Ensuring a crack free slab is very important for the durability of the object.